Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Anointing service
After this service Jardel and Inez washed all of the staff’s feet. Through this action they encouraged us to serve to God more humbly. For all of us, these events reminded us of how God loves us and what He wants us to do for other people. It wasn’t just a reminder to us of God’s love, it was more than this. It reminded us of who we are in God, and what is our calling.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last Saturday the DTS students preached the gospel for the 15 kids in the Box club. We invited them to the YWAM school for a fellowship time, the students also presented a drama for them. Afterwards we all played basketball and volleyball together. All the kids were very excited and they really enjoyed being with us. We are sure that through our friendship God can set little seeds in their hearts.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Praise God for the great opportunity
Last Monday we met all judges and did a presentation of the marriage course. All the Judges were very excited about the ministry. Then they dicided to partner with us. Haleluia! Thanks for your prayers. Please keep praying for us, now we have a lot of work to do and a bigger responsability. This week we had an open ceremony for the 4th marriage couple course, we will have two groups running, please pray for the teachers and for the couples.
The Judges in Bayankhongor are interested in partnering with us in the Marriage Ministry course. Jardel and Sansar(staff) met with the main judge last week, and Jardel was very honest with them saying that we are a Mongolian NGO, but we are all Christians. Also He shared about what we do as YWAM-BH and all the ministries. (DTS; the youth CafĂ©; Marriage Ministry; Support Sports Ministries; English teaching in the summer. “When we get teams coming”). He got very excited about the English teaching; he was very open and even said that if the condition to learn English was that they need to listen about our faith, they wouldn’t mind and was open to it. But of course we told him that it would not be necessary; we could teach English without having to make them hear about our faith.
We have an YWAM outreach team from Colorado-USA coming beginning of May, they will be teaching English for a month at the YWAM center and also for the Judges in BH.
At the end of the conversation, the Judge mentioned about a huge problem they are facing, he shared that they are dealing with a lot of couples that are asking for a legal divorce. By the Mongolian law the couple has to wait for 3 months and try to work out their relationship and see if that is really what they want to do. During those 3 months the couple should look for counseling and all the counseling the Judges have being using has not being very successful, so he asked if there was any way we could partner with them. They would get the couples that are asking for divorce, and send to us for counseling and for the marriage ministry course. After they go through this, then the Judges would let them make their final decision.
So far we have had 3 marriage couple courses in Bayankhongor. From the graduated couples we have 8 couples that are partnering with us in the ministry. These 8 couples we are dividing into 3 groups to run another course for Church people. The graduated will be challenged to be part of the ministry too, so we can multiply ourselves and reach out many other families.
Please pray for this opportunity. Next Monday we will be doing a presentation of the marriage course to the Judges. We need to prepare a really good material for that. Thanks for praying…
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Evangelism at Shargalzut village

Last Saturday we went to Shargalzut village, which is 60km from Bayankhongor city. There is no Church in that village yet, but there are some believers. We spent 2 days in the village. We preached about Jesus to the village people, and some people received Jesus as their savior. When we were sharing about Jesus to them, we felt that God really wanted to touch their lives. One of our students whose name is Otgonsuren used to be a Buddhist monk, when she shared her personal testimony, it really touched people’s heart. God is changing her in a powerful way. It is a blessings for us to see how God is working in her heart and changing her life.