Sunday, March 22, 2009


Every Saturday the students go to the street or to the countryside villages to share the gospel with nonbelievers. So last Saturday the staff and students visited the nursing home and helped them to clean, to prepare fire wood, we helped them in what we could. With that the students could experience preaching the good news through their actions and words. Some of our students washed and cut their hair. It was a good time, for all of us. We were happy for being used by God in many ways, and that He was blessing other people through us. (Test 024, sain medee 303)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Inner Healing

Mark Ferreti is blessing our DTS students with his teaching and Ministry. Our Students are getting delivered by God's forgiven heart. Please pray for this week as God is doing an amazing healing in our Students lives. Thanks

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wrestling Tournament

YWAM Bayankhongor organized a wrestling tournament for the youth in BH. We had a group of 16 participants that came from different places of BH State. Some of the participants were DTS graduated students, Church leaders and the others were mostly non-Christians. It was a good time, where we could interact with non-Christian and we also had opportunity to make friendship and share the Gospel with them.

YWAM Ministries

Couples Ministry

Today, Inez and Jardel's couple's group will be having the 5 languages of love lesson at their house. They will have pizza for dinner and after they will be watching the "Fireproof" movie. Please pray for the couples and for this ministry!