Thank you very much for your faithful prayer and support! During the whole outreach time God fully protected us and blessed us.
The DTS’s outreach went awesome. Our God was so faithful and blessed us and community people through the outreach. Team China went to the border city of Inner Mongolia. They met a family and stayed in their house. While they were there they did prayer walk and showed Christ’s love to those who were around them. The host family was happy that they now have friends from Mongolia. The students and staff invited them to Mongolia. If God wants we would love to see them in Mongolia sometime.
The team South Gobi served in Dalanzadgad (center of South Gobi) for three weeks. While we were there our ministry was divided into two areas, marriage counseling course to church couples, and helping the local churches with street evangelism. Through the marriage counseling course two couples accepted Christ.
The two teams reunited and continued the outreach in Bayanlig and Bayangobi (Bayankhongor’s counties) when they were there their ministry focused on supporting the local church leaders and church members. They also did some community work.
During the outreach the students grew a lot in God and their faith. It was a great challenge and opportunity to work out their faith and what they have learned during the lecture phase.
Last week on the 21st of January we had the DTS’s graduation. As you have heard, at the beginning of the DTS we started with 15 students, but in the end eight students graduated. We want to call them heroes, because they finished the race successfully. During the DTS’s five months God put foundations in their lives. They see God is the one who takes care for them.
And now we are ready to start our next DTS on the 8th of February. We will have a little more than 10 students this time. Please pray for the next DTS’s students, may God lead them and provide for them.
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